An interesting reflection… I did not find authorship registers, therefore it is of public domain:
We soon had a lesson of Physiology in the medicine school after the week of the Native land. As the majority of the pupils had travelled using to advantage the drawn out holiday, all were anxious to count the new features to the colleagues and the excitement was general. An old professor entered in the room and immediately he perceived that he would go to have work to obtain silence.
With great dose of patience he tried to start the lesson, but you find that my group corresponded? That nothing. With a certain constaint, the professor became to ask for silence educadamente.
He did not advance, we ignore the request and we continue firm in the colloquy. He was there that the old professor lost the patience and gave the biggest quarrel that I already witnessed.
He sees what it said:
- “They give attention because I go to say to this an only time”, he said, raising the voice and a loaded silence of guilt if installed in all the room and the professor continued.
- “Since that I started to lecionar, this already makes many years, discovered that we professors, work only 5% of the pupils of a group. In all these years I observed that of each one hundred pupils, only five are really those that make some difference in the future; but five if become shining professionals and contribute of significant form to improve the quality of life of the people. The others 95% only serve to make volume; they are mediocre and they pass for the life without leaving nothing of useful.
The interesting one is that this percentage valley for the whole world. If vocês to give attention, will notice that of one hundred professors, only five are those that make the difference; of one hundred waiters, only five are excellent; of one hundred drivers of taxi, only five are true professionals; e we can generalize still more: of one hundred people, only five are truily special.
It is a very great penalty not terms as to separate to these 5% of the remaining portion, therefore if this was possible, I would leave only the pupils special in this room and would place excessively for is, then it would have silence necessary to give a good lesson and would sleep calm knowing to have invested in the best ones. But, unhappyly it does not have as to know which of vocês they are these pupils. The time is only capable to show this.
Therefore, I will have to conform and to try to give me to a lesson for the pupils special, although the confusion that will be being made for the remaining portion. Clearly that each one of vocês always will be able to choose which group it will belong. Debtor for the attention and we go to the lesson of today”.
Nor necessary to say the silence that were in the room and the level of attention that the professor obtained that speech after.
By the way, the quarrel touched in all we deep, therefore my group all had an exemplary behavior in all the lessons of Physiology during the semester; after all who would like spontaneously to be classified as being part of the remaining portion?