The realities of these supercomputers are next as it can be folloied in the substance shown in day 27/02/2011 in Fantastico of the net the Globo, according to creative were developed pra to diagnosis illnesses and optimum treatment. The capacity of this schemes, it has 15 trillions of bytes of memory - the equivalent the five a thousand together computers. This schemes does not have only the capacity to store information and to identify the reply in its data base but to decide if it knows the reply or not as he was proven in the TV program, it folloies the complete substance in the video.
It will be that the human brain would be surpassed by artificial intelligence?
We will be able to control the natural evolution? Since what it differentiated the computer of the man and the capacity to take decisions and with artificial intelligence become this next one to the man. Already we have an electronic dependence of this brain, I can cite some examples but we go next to the day to the day, in the banks when you lose the day all because this is of system, or currently that people had had the delay in the delivery of the CNH (national wallet of qualification) for imperfection in the system; According to creative of the Watson (supercomputer) the human brain has the 40% capacity to identify if it obtains to answer or not a question, already Watson is of 75%, the man on the basis of the lived experiences can then question another individual and to accept or what it he was requested and them you do not scheme that they can take decisions will go to question its creators some day or will be able to limit its decisions?
Here and our starting point to initiate our quarrel on intelligence human being and artificial intelligence, and not to be against the technology and that we are increasing the capacity of the brain electronic and reducing ours, saved some exceptions, the cerebral health depends on its activity, if he is not used are spoiled losing its capacity, and because I say that man this destroying the capacity cerebral, it the same sees the increase of cases of on illnesses the evil of among others alzheimer or Parkinson who attacks the central nervous system, as depression and extresse.Strengthening it exists exceptions; In the universities the students of courses of great intellectual importance abandon the classroom to go the search of drugs to brighten up the pressure of the day to the day to the one instead of this being absorbed the knowledge of its master, and the case of the doctors, lawyers, administrators among others. The reason of this citation and that Watson was created with intention to offer to diagnosis of illnesses and optimum treatment to the doctors as suggestion, but looking at of the human point of view, when we go I medicate to it the same looks at pra you to examining who guarantees that it to you knowing that it has resource of a computer pra to offer the reply that it needs, it goes to look at pra you and it goes to deal with to it the correct way, being that it has I enumerate patients waiting pra to be taken care of.
Pra to finish the human brain and the best technology that exists until today we use only 1/3 and the remaining portion? Our virtue and that we can change of opinion the necessity on the basis of being then flexible, already the computers are rigid.
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